Fashion Magazine

Checkmate OOTD

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Hello and happy Saturday I hope you are all having a lovely weekend (the sun is currently shining here in Birmingham). With the change in seasons I have been digging through my wardrobe and re-discovering outfits so I thought I would share with you my OOTD from yesterday.
Checkmate OOTD
Evans Dress Size 24, New Balance 410 trainers
Checkmate OOTD
Checkmate OOTD
I bought this dress from Evans last year and wore it so much so it has been lovely to wear it again, but this time I teamed it with my New Balance trainers which were a birthday present from my husband. I am quite the fan of dresses tights and trainers combo and I think as the weather gets cooler this will be quite the feature of my wardrobe.
Outfit DetailsDress EvansTrainers New BalanceNecklace Black Heart Creatives
Checkmate OOTD

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