Hi all! Please enjoy the rest of my weekend picks as well as holiday happenings in the first part of my 2010 holiday guide! (scroll down for the first weekend picks and holiday guide part one-second part coming soon!)
Saturday December 11, 2010
Ga-ga over Gerswhin? Then head to NYU Tisch’s Crazy for Gershwin program as students recreate his memorable songs! 11:59 p.m., Joe’s Pub, 425 Lafayette St., tkts are $7-$10, 212-967-7555 for tickets and 212-539-8778 for table reservations.
Book some time for holiday shopping at the Center for Book Art’s Annual Holiday Book Fair, 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., 28 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor, free!
Saturday and Sunday December 11, and 12, 2010
Bookworms should head to WORD Bookstore where they can do some holiday shopping while being waited on by authors like Emily Gould and Julie Powell! 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. WORD Bookstore, 126 Franklin St., Brooklyn, free (except for purchases!)
Also don’t forget to grab some gifts at the Degenerate Craft Fair! http://degeneratecraftfair.com
Sunday December 12, 2010
Learn about Central Park’s role in the American Revolution and War of 1812 during a walking tour given by the Central Park Conservancy. 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., meet at the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center, free!
Share an artsy holiday brunch with the crowd at Salmagundi Club and enjoy carols by the NYU Madrigal Singers while you eat! 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Ave. @ 12th, $20 pp, plus tax, call 212-255-7740 for reservations.
Tunnel underground with Rooftop Films for a special screening of independent shorts in the Atlantic Avenue tunnel! 1 p.m., Atlantic Avenue and Court Street, $20, tkts are officially sold-out, but there will be a few available at the door today, price includes tunnel tour and free drinks at the after-party.
Which is better, fiction or memoir? To help you decide authors Myla Goldberg and Darin Strauss will be discussing their works. 6 p.m., Union Hall, corner of 5th Avenue at 702 Union St., $12-$25 at the door (to benefit PS 146)!