TV & Video Magazine

Charlaine Harris Announces “After Dead”

Posted on the 13 February 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover


Whilst we are all eagerly awaiting, nervously pondering or quietly dreading the end of Sookie Stackhouse’s story with the release of “Dead Ever After” on May 7th, Sookie’s creator, Charlaine Harris, has today announced that this will not quite be the end. In a statement on her personal website Ms Harris wrote:

I hope a lot of you read this thread today, because I’ve chosen it to make a little announcement. I just saw the cover for “After Dead,” which is the coda to the Sookie books. My publisher decided to publish it before Christmas in a separate volume. It will be a slim book containing what happens AFTER “DEA” to many of the characters I’ve created over the years. And Lisa is drawing a Sookie alphabet for the book. There are several other features under consideration for this volume, which is intended as a stocking stuffer. I’ll post more when I know it.

Charlaine Harris

Amazon are already advertising the book for pre-order, under the title “After Dead: What came next in the world of Sookie Stackhouse“.

You can check it out here , not too many details are available just yet, but they are quoting a release date of October 29th 2013.

Sounds like a nice little stocking filler, or happy Halloween treat, just the thing to help chase away those winter blues, in a post-Sookie universe. We are big fans of Lisa Desimini’s artwork on this blog so we are already looking forward to her special Sookie alphabet :)

dead to the world

Charlaine Harris official site

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