Health Magazine

Changing Hospitals Means Fresh Starts

By Cass
Hi All,
So I realize I have been quiet for a couple of days and I sincerely apologize for that! I've been both suffering a flare up from the sunshine we've been having in the UK and also preparing for my first appointment at a brand new hospital! 
Changing hospitals means fresh starts
Today was that appointment and when I say the journey here was daunting. People rarely change hospitals and for good have to start from scratch! That means baseline tests, reevaluation of your condition and the fact that everything could change. On top of all this you may not even like/or feel supported by your new doctor. It's a risk and a big step to take........but it's one that could really pay off in the long run. For me it went great and part of that was to do with the amount of preparation I had given it. So I'm going to share this with you as it could be useful for your first ever appointment or if you are changing hospitals.
Take photos of everything!
Changing hospitals means fresh starts
One of the things that gave me the answers I needed was to take pictures into my appointment. I have been taking photos of my rashes, mouth ulcers, swellings etc over the past few months. This is because it seems like every time it go to my appointments my rashes and swellings just vanish into thin air! Well not this time...this time I was armed with my hoots and after building a trust with my new doctor I was able to show the images. 
He recognised the rashes straight away as being down to a number of my illnesses and was able to advise me on what to do when they come back! I would recommend this to everyone if they feel like they are not being listened too or taken seriously! 
Prepare a timeline of symptoms 
Changing hospitals means fresh starts
As you are starting from the beginning again you will have to start with your histories again....which is sow times hard to remember especially if they are long histories! So I created a timeline of my illness and symptoms so that they know what is new, what has been there for years and what needs attention. It was this list that lead them to diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome today along with the MCTD. Now they can pin down what symptoms are from which condition I can be treated appropriately! 
Take your time with it and build up a relationship! 
Changing hospitals means fresh starts
I like many of us, chat to others with my condition in a support group and it was one of the ladies there that told me to build trust first! To take my time with my questions, don't rush in with loads of information and really listen to what they have to say! 
I suffer with nerves at the hospital....huge nerves and today was no exception! My problem is I either forget what to say or I say everything too quickly. So this time I took the advice and I simply took my time with it all! All the questions could wait so I left them till last and listened to what the doctor had to say. This built up our trust and meant that when I talked it all through I felt comfortable doing so.
All in all I got exactly what I needed today and I got that because I was prepared and I put my trust in the doctors I met! Now onto the next stage of treatment, monitoring and getting a solid life style routine back! 

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