Alright people it’s time for a dose of random. Because it’s my blog and I can be random if I want to. And random is more fun than anything else sometimes, right?
My body has been so achy. Especially my neck and back. If you know of a good neck and back support pillow, please let me know. I’ve heard memory foam so I’m going to go with that one unless I hear something different.
It’s about to be summer and I’m a little nervous. My kids get bored easily and I don’t want us all to hate each other by August. If you have any ideas, send them my way. Activities, games, day trips… anything. I will reward you with a virtual hug.
I’m still super upset about the watch I’m missing. I’ve looked everywhere, multiple times and nothing. It vanished. If I lost it, I hope it makes someone’s day to find it. And if I misplaced it, it needs to show the hell up soon. St. Anthony, I’m looking at you. HELP. Please. If nothing else, the people in my life are sick of hearing about it.
I saw this quote last night and it just is so relevant for my life. For any hustler out there; whether you’re a photographer, Etsy shop owner, clothing line designer, blogger, whatever… don’t let the haters get you down. There are people out there who are happy for you and will genuinely support you in your dreams.
“Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.”- Marilyn Monroe
I’m a quote person. When I don’t have the words to say, when I’m sad, I’m mad, I’m happy, I’m overwhelmed, whatever, there’s always a quote online somewhere to put my feelings into words when I can’t.
There’s never enough time. I’ve been sucking at time management lately and struggling a bit. Why aren’t there more hours in the day?
We should be getting some news soon and I’m super antsy. I just want to know what’s going on in our lives. I’ve learned to not make plans and go with the flow but this waiting game never gets easier.
Chambray. You can never have enough Chambray. And this dress is on sale for $26 right now and you probably need it in your life like yesterday.

Messy braids are my new jam. Last night I slept with french braided pigtails and that may be my new thing too. My husband told me I looked like a child but hey, I’ll take it. Beats looking old!
Alright home slices, I’ve got a busy busy day and I just want to leave you with this.
Do a random act of kindness today. Smile at a stranger. Give someone a compliment. Leave a $5 bill somewhere. Pay for someone’s coffee. Assemble toiletry packs and drop them off at a homeless shelter. Anything. Just do something nice. If we want the world to be a better place, it starts with us.
Peace up, A-town down.