Call for papers: Workshop on Spacetime Functionalism, Geneva, 1-2 March, 2018
On March 1-2, 2018, we will hold a small, but international, workshop in metaphysics and philosophy of science, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
The topic of the workshop is spacetime functionalism, and its aim is to investigate how a functionalist approach may provide the relevant conceptual tools for understanding the nature of spacetime as described by fundamental physics. In particular, the idea is to explore spacetime functionalism in the context of quantum gravity, where it is suggested that spacetime is not fundamental, and the issue of emergence arises. We would like to discuss the analogy here with other forms of functionalism in philosophy—in particular in metaphysics and philosophy of mind.
In addition to several invited keynote speakers (to be confirmed), we welcome submissions for presentations. To be considered as a speaker, please send an abstract of around 500 words by December 15, 2017, to
We are able to cover travel expenses for accepted speakers. For contributed speakers coming from Europe, we can cover transport (flight, train, and/or car), plus hotel and some meals. For contributed speakers coming from outside of Europe, we will cover the hotel and some meals, but may not be able to cover the cost of your flights (we will discuss this with you in advance).
The workshop is organised by Karen Crowther, Niels Linnemann and Christian Wüthrich. It is funded by CUSO, a joint organisation of the universities of Western Switzerland.
Please contact us via the above email address if you have any questions.
Karen Crowther
Niels Linnemann
Christian Wüthrich