Philosophy Magazine

CFP: Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2017

By Wuthrich

The Jury would like to issue a call for nominations for the Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize, which is awarded yearly for the best work in History and/or Philosophy of Modern Physics, done by a student as a requirement for a Masters Thesis. The price carries a 2000 euro award. Nominations for this Prize need to be submitted by a supervisor of the nominee.

For more details I refer to the attached stipulations.

The Jury:

Jos Uffink (University of Minnesota)
Klaas Landsman (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Christopher Lehner (Max Planck Institute for History of Science)
Michiel Seevinck

Reglement HJMP 2017


Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize

This prize is founded in memory of Hanneke Janssen to honor her person and her work in the field of history and philosophy of physics, both as a student and as Managing Editor of the journal Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.

Stipulations 2017

1. Subject
Eligible for the above prize is any thesis or paper, submitted for a Master’s degree, on the subject of History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. The boundaries of this subject are taken in accordance with the scope of the journal Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, as stated on the website Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics is devoted to all aspects of the history and philosophy of modern physics broadly understood, including physical aspects of astronomy, chemistry and other non-biological sciences. The primary focus is on physics from the mid/late-nineteenth century to the present, the period of emergence of the kind of theoretical physics that has come to dominate the exact sciences in the twentieth century.

2. Prize and participation
2.1 The winner of the prize receives 2000 euro.
2.2 The winner is invited to submit an article, based on the winning thesis, for publication in the journal Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
2.3 The winner is invited to give a seminar on the winning thesis at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Radboud University, Nijmegen) and at the Institute for History and Foundations of Science (Utrecht University).
2.4 Participation is open to Master students worldwide, but only through nomination by (one of) the supervisors of the thesis.
2.5 Only theses completed within two academic years before the deadline for submissions (see below) are eligible. Time schedule
• Deadline for submission of nominations: October 9, 2017
• Decision by the jury: November 6, 2017
• Prize ceremony and seminars: December, 2017
• The prize will be awarded yearly.

3. Requirements
3.1 The thesis must be approved within the period September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017.
3.2 The thesis must be written in English, and made available to the jury in digital format, preferably as a pdf file. In exceptional cases,  the jury may also consider theses written in German, if the nomination is accompanied with a explicit request,  explaining the reasons why no English version is available.  Any decision to agree to such a  request will remain at the discretion of the jury.
3.3 The submission must be accompanied by a statement from the supervisor(s) of the thesis motivating the nomination.
3.4 The thesis and nomination are accompanied by the personal data of the author, including an email address, a brief curriculum vitae of the author, and proof that the thesis was approved at the student’s University (or other Institution of higher learning) within the mentioned time frame, and the mark received.
3.5 The submission should be send by e-mail to with subject “Hanneke Jansen Memorial Prize”.

4. Decision procedure:
The jury consists of:
• Dr. J. Uffink (University of Minnesota) (chair)
• Prof. Dr. N.P Landsman (Radboud University)
• Dr. M.P. Seevinck (Radboud University)
• Dr. Ch. Lehner (Max Planck Institute, Berlin)
Secretariat of the jury is held by Lisette Pals, Radboud Fonds (Nijmegen University Fund)
4.1 Submissions will be judged on:
• Originality
• Scientific value
• Intellectual depth
• Form and presentation
• Readability
4.2 The jury reserves the right to refuse submissions.
4.3 Participants and nominators will receive written notice about the decision.
4.4 The jury reserves the right to withhold awarding the prize if submissions lack sufficient quality.
4.5 In all cases where these stipulations do not provide, the Chair of the jury will decide.

5. Information
Questions about the procedure and requirements for submission can be directed at the Secretary of the jury:
Mrs. Lisette Pals MA, Radboud Fonds, Radboud University
Telephone: +31 (0)24 3611424


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