Philosophy Magazine

CFP: BSPS, Edinburgh, 13-14 July 2017

By Wuthrich

British Society for the Philosophy of Science

Annual Conference
13–14 July 2017, University of Edinburgh

Plenary Speakers:

Martin Kusch (Vienna)
Anya Plutynski (Washington St. Louis)
Michela Massimi (Edinburgh)
Christian Wüthrich (Geneva)

Local organiser: Mark Sprevak

The BSPS Annual conference immediately precedes the 91st Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association.

Call for Abstracts

Submissions are invited from anyone with a scholarly interest in the philosophy of science. Submissions from graduate students and underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged. (Graduate bursaries will be available.) Papers may be on a wide selection of topics within the philosophy of science (see list below) and should be suitable for presentation in 20 minutes, which will allow 10 minutes discussion. Abstracts should be received no later than Monday 6th February 2017. Abstracts will be anonymously refereed, and successful contributors notified by early April. We do not anticipate being able to share referees’ comments.

List of Topics:

1. General philosophy of science
2. Philosophy of the physical sciences
3. Philosophy of the life sciences
4. Philosophy of the cognitive sciences
5. Philosophy of the social sciences
6. Formal philosophy of science
7. Integrated history, philosophy, and social studies of science
8. Science and values

Submission Instructions

To submit your abstract, go to:
– Log in (create an account if you do not already have one)
– Select ‘New Submission’ and enter the requested information, including the title of your paper.
– Enter your abstract (in plain text, of no more than 1000 words) into the Abstract box.
– Please prepare your abstract for anonymous refereeing. Bear in mind that referees will have to reach a judgment based only the information provided in the abstract.
– Please select the topic (or topics) that best describe the area of your submission.
– Finally, select ‘Submit’.

For more information please email:

PLEASE NOTE: attendance at the conference is restricted to members of the BSPS. You may join the Society online here.

Accessibility Information: The conference will take place in the John McIntyre Conference Centre. All areas of the conference venue and accommodation are disabled accessible.

About The Society

The purpose of the Society is to study the logic, the methods, and the philosophy of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the social sciences. The Society holds an annual conference with invited speakers and contributed papers, as well as ordinary meetings running throughout the year at which invited speakers present a paper. The Society makes small grants to support conferences relevant to research and education in its areas of study, awards an annual doctoral studentship for doctoral work in philosophy of science in a UK university and The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science is published on our behalf by Oxford University Press. Visit for more information.

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