Call for Applications:
University of Geneva
The philosophy of physics group at the Department of Philosophy in Geneva (the Geneva Symmetry Group) solicits applications for short- to medium-term junior visiting fellowships for advanced PhD students and recent PhDs, to visit the group anytime between now and June 2018. The fellowships are funded by the John Templeton Foundation grant ‘Space and Time after Quantum Gravity’.
Candidates should be advanced PhD students or junior scholars with a PhD awarded in the past four years who work on a project in the philosophy of quantum gravity, broadly construed. The fellowship will provide financial support of up to CHF 3,000 for the successful candidates to spend anything from a few days up to a month away from their home institution to work with the project’s Geneva group led by Professor Christian Wuthrich, and to benefit from interactions with project members and from participation in the project’s activities. They will be expected to engage with the group research efforts, and discuss their own projects with us. Fluency in English is required. More information on the project and the research group is available at
Applicants with experience in either the philosophy or the foundations of quantum gravity broadly construed will be preferred, but we will also consider applicants with backgrounds in other areas of philosophy of physics, foundational research in physics, or metaphysics.
Applications must contain a cover letter explaining the candidate’s motivation, a short description of their research project, and a CV. All materials should be sent in *one combined PDF file* to Professor Christian Wuthrich at
The competition for these fellowships opens 23 October 2017 and will continue until the funds are exhausted. We expect to award multiple fellowships. The fellowships are subject to approval of a funding reallocation request to the John Templeton Foundation.
Applications from women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged.
For more information, please contact Professor Christian Wuthrich at