Call for Applications
5th International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics
Space, time and matter: new directions in the philosophy of physics
Saig (Black Forest), Germany, 17-22 July 2017
The fifth summer school in Black Forest will tackle topics that are at the front of today’s research in physics: the status of space and time in quantum gravity and the status of matter in quantum field theory. Starting from the state of the art in physics, we’ll explore different philosophical proposals that open up new directions for research in the philosophy of physics. There will be lectures in the morning and book symposia in the evening. In the afternoon, several small working groups led by postdocs or advanced PhD students offer in depth discussions of topics related to the lectures and book symposia. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work in short talks.
Scientific committee:
Claus Beisbart (Philosophy, Bern)
Dirk-André Deckert (Mathematics, LMU Munich)
Detlef Dürr (Mathematics, LMU Munich)
Michael Esfeld (Philosophy, Lausanne)
Christian Wüthrich (Philosophy, Geneva)
Invited speakers and panellists:
David Albert (Philosophy, Columbia University)
Julian Barbour (Physics, Banbury / Oxfordshire)
Jeff Barrett (Philosophy, UC Irvine)
Gordon Belot (Philosophy, University of Michigan)
Jürg Fröhlich (Physics, ETH Zurich)
Sheldon Goldstein (Mathematics, Rutgers)
Nick Huggett (Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Claus Kiefer (Physics, Cologne)
Barry Loewer (Philosophy, Rutgers)
Tim Maudlin (Philosophy, New York University)
Laura Ruetsche (Philosophy, University of Michigan)
Ward Struyve (Mathematics, LMU Munich)
Nino Zanghì (Theoretical Physics, Genova)
Fee: EUR 530 for accommodation in a single room with private bathroom and full board.
Application: please submit a letter of motivation and a CV by 24 March 2017; notification of acceptance by 10 April 2017.
To apply and for further information, see, follow, or contact