CerebralMix 2015-11-22 starts with a fairly major announcement: at the end of the year I will be going on hiatus from the show. But, there’s a bit more than that: when the show returns I will no longer be streaming it on #OO Radio, and will likely not be producing it as a weekly show.
The reasons for this are quite simple: there are a lot of other projects that I have been thinking about, and even started that have not been getting the attention they need and deserve. I want to re-focus my energy on those projects.
Also, I plan to take the show in something of a different direction. I want to produce a tighter, better laid out show. Unfortunately, as a single person doing this show, that doesn’t lend itself well to a weekly, three hour show. Also, I have decided that some of the other productions that I have done in the past (like the Netlabel Profiles series) can, and should, be integrated into the show.
So, going on hiatus for a bit will allow me to integrate those elements into the show.
This re-focusing effort extends beyond the show. It will be extended to some of the work I am doing on the website, and some of the other activities I have been involved in…however more on that will be coming out soon.
All of the reading for this show (and the whole Poetry Series) is being taken from readings released by LibriVox. All of these readings are in the public domain, and can be found on the first ten volumes of their Short Poetry series of releases.
Listen Hear
00:00 CerebralMix Poetry Series Episode 16: Intro

00:02 Daniel Estrem Entretiens De La Belle et La Bete – Ma Mere l’Oye (M Ravel)

00:06 Fellirium From the depths of memory

00:17 Random Angels Shut Up And Dance

00:24 Eugene Field The Sugar-Plum Tree Pub Domain
00:25 Paolo Pavan Tree of Life

00:29 Secrets Of The 45 Suburban Limb Shavings

00:34 Stick Men Hide the Trees

00:40 William Butler Yeats The Second Coming Pub Domain
00:42 Bit Laden The World’s Greatest Robbery Series presents H1N1

00:45 Mark Ward E Minor Blues

00:53 RoomDark Pull My Daisy

00:57 Lord Byron She Walks in Beauty Pub Domain
00:58 CerebralMix Poetry Series Episode 16: Part Two

00:58 Curl Pure Mix 1

01:05 Radioactive.Cake Pure Progression

01:11 Fecalove Pure Anal Warfare

01:16 Sara Teasdale Pity Pub Domain
01:16 Everywhere Kingdom Dub Dub’s Tree Tricks

01:19 Ekoplex Tree Of Life

01:26 Rivers of Ashes With a Crown of Crushed Hopes

01:56 Leonora Speyer Spring Cowardice Pub Domain
01:57 CerebralMix Poetry Series Episode 16: Part Three

01:57 Heifervescent Shut Up and Live

02:02 Altus Welcoming the Dead Days

02:17 Mere Women Sun Rising (Live at Unpopular Music 2010)

02:21 H. Selina Lament of the Irish Emigrant Pub Domain
02:24 Francois Couture Hide and seek (part 1)

02:27 Kevin Bryce Tree Veins

02:33 nosfi pure love of beer

02:36 Emily Dickinson Success Pub Domain
02:37 Aleksi Eeben To Climb a Tree Remove Branches and Reverse Gravity

02:41 Noi2er x Witkacy Spent All

02:45 Jonathan Coulton Pull the String

02:48 William Blake A Poison Tree Pub Domain
02:49 The Womb Shut Up And Kiss Me

02:55 Ergo Phizmiz Helen Entrance

02:57 CerebralMix Poetry Series Episode 16: Outro

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