Family Magazine


By Accidentalxpert @AccidentalXpert




One Last Roar was a blast from the past last night. I laughed and cried just as previously predicted.
My adopted daughter came ith her dad, which played with Danny on the team that won the tourny. Ole timers still got it! And none will be able to move today!!!
Picture dump:
Me and my Kiley.....ok...she's Peyton's.
And the Dad's with their One Last Roar winnings.
Also, the tee shirts Ms. Carol Perkins was printing there.

As for today....we have church and the kids have three play performances along with visiting two homes and singing carols. Busy weekend.

Granny is going to go. I think this means she's feeling some better. I'm still giving shots in her belly. The Lovenox treatments are rough stuff. Her belly look terrible and its beginning to be hard to find a spot that isn't bruised. The verdict, which I don't think I ever blogged because I've been so busy, a blood clot in her lung.

Daddy goes for his heart cath next week. Mom has hard a hard week. I hope she pulls out of this quick. She's just had to much stress and worry on her. Signed on for to much. And now she is paying for it. Bipolar is a cruel thing.

I hope your weekend was fun, warm and dry.
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