Baseball Magazine

Celebrity Clues Dominates On Tuesday

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
Celebrity Clues Dominates On TuesdayThis Tuesday night at Professor Thom's marks the return of a special category we once did regularly but haven't done in a while. "Q Are You?" is back, and that is where I give you clues as to the identity of a current celebrity and you tell me who I'm talking about.
The Q Train lightning round will be "True or False Trivia."
The Sneak Peek question for this week is:
"'Synchronicity" was a number one album for what 1980s rock band?"
We we will get going right after 9 PM. The Red Sox take on the Kansas City Royals on the big screen in the bar. I hope to see many of you on Tuesday night.

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