Imbolc is celebrated on the 1st or 2nd of February. Imbolc is the second Celtic festival of Light and it coincides with Candlemas on the 2nd of February. Traditionally this festival was dedicated to the Goddess Brigid. In Holland we call this day Mary Lightmas, and as such this day is connected to Mother Mary, Queen of Angels.
This day celebrates the promise of the return of spring. A way to do so is to surround yourself with lots and lots of candles and with each candle you light, send your thought to the seeds you wish to plant in 2015.

I have written a prayer about Imbolc for the book 365 Days of Angel Prayers, that I would love to share with you to inspire you on this day:
Imbolc Prayer
Beloved Archangel Ariel,
Bless me with the quickening of Goddess energy during this Imbolc,
When the seeds of life are planted within the earth and within myself,
Bringing hope for a new time of blossoming and growth.
For as within, so without.
To create new loving behaviors and manifestations in my life.
Help me to open to the light and inner fire of the Goddess,
Creating healing, revitalization and a stirring of life within.
May I be blessed by the energy of Mother Mary,
Helping me to connect to the energy of the wise woman within,
Bringing her energy into all new projects and intentions.
Healing my body and soul,
Embracing me and making me whole.
Dear Ariel,
Help me to be reborn today,
Leaving behind the old and outmoded,
Embracing the new and powerful me,
As I merge my mind and heart into the unity of my Soul.
So be it.
Have a wonderful Imbolc and may your life be filled with light!
<3"><3"><3 Cathelijne for more angel inspiration!