Family Magazine

Celebrate the International Book Giving Day:14th February

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
14th February is celebrated as Valentine's day, but do you know, it is also the International Book Giving Day?
Celebrate the International Book Giving Day:14th February
The lovely ladies, Amy at Delightful Children's Books and Zoe at Playing by the Book  are working together on this project.
International Book Giving Day is a day dedicated to getting new, used, or borrowed books in the hands of as many kids as possible.
Celebrating the International Book Giving Day is easy and delightful.

1)You can give a book to a friend or relative.2)Wrap up children’s books that your kids have outgrown and donate them your  playgroup, library, children’s hospital, or surgery. Gently used books can also  be donated to  Book Bus or Pelican Post in UK and  Books for Africa in US.3)Leave a good book in a waiting room or lobby. Sometimes children get bored in waiting rooms as often there is nothing for them. So this is a great idea! How about leaving a book on a bench in your local park or playground? Children would get super excited and would love to read that book.What a great cause! Is there anything better than giving the gift of reading to children?Please, help  get new, used, or borrowed books in the hands of as many kids as possible this February. You can spread the word by liking International Book Giving Day’s Facebook page, by following @BookGivingDay on Twitter and by encouraging others to celebrate via email, Twitter, Facebook, etc. You can also post the International Book Giving Day badge  on your website.

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