Medical marijuana and various strains of cannabis are quite effective at relieving anxiety and depression. Individuals who work in high-stress jobs are often prone to bouts of anxiety and depression because they do not have an effective outlet. Strains of medical marijuana and cannabis that have high levels of either THC or CBD can be helpful. While both offer positive results, CBD works without causing the usual "high" associated with marijuana.
Signs and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
Many people can mask their unhappiness or the anxiety they feel by putting on a strong face in public. If you look closely, however, there will be subtle signs that give them away. Anxiety and depression are commonly expressed by irritation and anger. Many people who suffer from anxiety are easily startled and seem to be on edge. They may even seem paranoid when in public or if they find themselves in unfamiliar situations. People who suffer from depression often are careless with their appearance or their living area. Their clothes and hair may look disheveled. They may seem inattentive and act as if they don't care to be involved in group activities.
Mood Boosters
THC and CBD are both effective mood boosters. Both have components that work within the brain to help elevate mood and create a sense of calm. They also are effective at relieving many types of pain. Individuals who suffer from severe chronic pain that is accompanied by a limited range of motion and inflexibility can become depressed over time. Their inability to perform their usual routine may lead to a reduced quality of life. As they begin to feel isolated, their depression and anxiety continue to deepen. The use of cannabis and medical marijuana can relieve their pain, giving them a chance to regain their ability to perform their favorite activities. This improvement in their quality of life will do wonders for elevating their mood.
Calms/Relaxes the Mind and Body
When a person experiences high levels of stress, the muscles become tight and the internal organs are put under pressure. The digestive system becomes sluggish and may actually lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Stress can also lead to high blood pressure and poor circulation as the blood is forced through the tightened tissues throughout the body. With regular use of cannabis and medical marijuana, the mixture of the THC and CBD can cause the body to release the tension it is holding onto. As the tension eases and the body is allowed to relax, the mind will also become calmer. This can lead to a reduction in headaches and neck pain.
Clarity and Focus for Stress Relief
While the overuse of cannabis or medical marijuana may lead to a mental "fogginess", using it appropriately will actually provide clarity and mental focus. Constant worry can lead to headaches and confusion. The more stressed you become, the less likely you are able to concentrate on the tasks you have in front of you. Strains like Harlequin have a blend of both THC and CBD that provide the benefits of both components. This means their mood is elevated and they are also receiving the stress-relief benefits as well.
Check What Options You Have at Your Local Cannabis Co-op
Your local cannabis co-op is the place to go when you want to learn more about what strains of cannabis and medical marijuana are best for treating anxiety and depression. Growers and developers of new strains of cannabis are able to produce strains with specific benefits that target anxiety and depression. Many physicians are encouraging their patients to try new strains of medical marijuana and cannabis to overcome their feelings of anxiety and depression. Going to your local cannabis co-op is the first place you should visit if you want the most accurate information possible.