I have always been a little wary of sharing about myself on the internet. The biggest irony about my being a personal blogger is that - I am actually quite a private person in personal life. I never ever share about my problems with anyone. If I do, it is only when I have solved them and there is a perspective I want to share from that experience. Hence, on the blog as well, I usually try and keep my posts about my 'thoughts' versus about details from my life or about people in my life. Barring a few names that I regretfully have mentioned in the beginning of blogging journey, I have practically stayed clear of mentioning any name or relationship (e
I am always analyzing whether I am sharing too much, or being too specific about my life in this space. The intention is not be mysterious or cryptic. I am just someone who likes to keep my whereabouts and everyday life to myself (as much as possible). I never share about my travels with anyone except immediate family. I do not post any checkins or live updates on my personal social profiles. I do not post photo albums on Facebook. Whatever is posted on the blog is what everyone else get's to see as well. [ Related :Why You Cannot Buy What I Wear] Believe it or not, I do not want to become a super blogger. I do not want to get famous. I want people to enjoy reading my blog, interact with me in a meaningful way and then get on with their day. I have an extremely focused goal for what my ideal audience should look like - Readership of about 100,000 loyal and engaging people, who are hopefully curious, open-minded, love being challenged, express their view and not attack/troll, and are a little defiant towards society's norms. I do not want my readers to agree with me on everything I say, but at least try and see where I am coming from and engage to learn more or share their own opinions. But as is works out, that's a mighty goal which is rather quite difficult to achieve. I speak from twelve years of blogging experience.
[ Related :Thoughts On Fashion Blogging]
So when recently one of my oldest blogger buddies, Jeanette shared this on social media, it hit home - "The biggest struggle of my adult life has been extreme discomfort (putting it mildly) from being in the limelight." I too do not enjoy the limelight. I often cringe a little when I meet people from my personal life (family, friends, aunts and uncles) and they choose to talk about my posts or outfits in person with me. Or with other people in front of me. Even if it is all compliments. This experience of online life taking over my offline life is rather quite uncomfortable for me. My wish is to share posts on the internet and then leave them there. I do not ever want to dissect it's contents with anyone in real life. Again, this does not apply to fellow bloggers when discussing posts about all-things-blogging. Does any other blogger feel this way? Or am I the only weird one?
Repeating this dress again in under a month!

Dress - eri + ali via Anthropologie // Same
Kimono - All Saints // Similar
Shoes - Lucky Brand // Similar
Watch - Omega // Similar