TV & Video Magazine

Casting Call Updates for True Blood Episodes 6.01 & 6.05

Posted on the 12 December 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover


Here’s the latest “News From The Casting Couch” for True Blood Season 6! This includes roles which will be appearing in Episode 6.05!

WARNING: If you don’t want to know – don’t read below!



Here is the latest update – thanks to our friends over at Bookies ♥ True Blood;


[LEAD STATE TROOPER] Male, Mid 30′s to 40′s. He is an intense Military type State Trooper. SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES. CO-STAR

[OCCUPY GIRL] Female, early 20′s. She is an occupy Wall Street type of activist. SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES. CO-STAR


TRUE BLOOD, Episode #605

[TEEN GIRL] Starts in Episode #605. She is an extremely attractive, wild 17 year-old girl with dark colored hair, a well-built body and know-it-all adolescent attitude that is busting at the seams (think: preacher’s daughter gone wild with a hint of naiveté). She has a rebellious spirit to say the least. She loves to have a good time, which includes tight clothes and chasing boys. SUBMIT LEGAL 18 TO PLAY 17.Possible nudity required.

Source: Bookies ♥ True Blood

We’ve also added this to our archives, which you can find here: Season 6: Episode Titles, Casting Calls and Summaries

Interesting…it looks like they’re either looking for two young girls or just one to play the governor’s daughter. The one who starts in Episode 5 will more than likely be involved with Jason…she seems just like his type of woman.

If you remember reading a casting call for a governor from Texas…forget about it. We’ve been told there is only the one and he’ll be from Louisiana.

What are your thoughts? Share ‘em below!

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