TV & Video Magazine

Casting Call: True Blood Episode 3; “Whatever I Am, You Made Me”

Posted on the 05 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

I read this latest casting call late last night, as I was heading to bed and thought (after reading them) they just really weren’t worth going back on the computer to post them! (You’ll see what I mean after you read them.) So, please forgive me for waiting until the next day to post them!

The resounding feelings I’ve been thinking and hearing are…WTF?

Casting Call: True Blood Episode 3; “Whatever I Am, You Made Me”
The latest casting call for True Blood Season 5; Episode 3, titled “Whatever I Am, You Made Me” – have been issued!

WARNING: For those who want to remain spoiler-free – please don’t read below!

TRUE BLOOD, Episode #503, “Whatever I Am, You Made Me”

Director: David Petrarca
Writer: Raelle Tucker
Start Date: Approx. January 12
Location: L.A.

[LINDSEY] In her 20s, attractive in a small town kind of way, she’s fixing a flat tire in a narrow country road when a vampire comes upon her. 1 speech & 3 lines, 1 scene. Co-star. (2)

[MOLLY] In her 20s, bubbly, with a retro Bettie Page/Suicide Girl vibe, “cute as a button if buttons had fangs,” she works for the Vampire Authority and outfits two prisoners with complicated deadly devices. Visible tattoos a plus. One-day guest star. Possible recurring. (11)

[MISS JILL STEELER] In her 40s, an ex-teacher, recently divorced and back in town, “she used to be beautiful, now she looks like an attractive, pleasantly plump housewife.” Guest star. This role contains topless nudity. (18)

[BARBARA PELT] In her 50s, a kindly, well-dressed woman, she is Debbie’s (Brit Morgan) mother who is anxiously searching for her missing daughter. She and her husband, Gordon, confront Alcide. Guest star. (18)

[GORDON PELT] In his 50s, a kindly, well-dressed man, he is Debbie’s (Brit Morgan) father who is anxiously searching for his missing daughter. He doesn’t appreciate Alcide speaking ill of Debbie. Guest star. (18)

[DOROTHY] Seen in flashback to 1905, this pretty young prostitute has been glamored and is being drained by two vampires when another vampire saves her. 1 line, 1 scene. This role requires nudity. (25)

[TRACY] In her 20s to 30s, heavily made-up, hair-sprayed and spray-tanned, she owns a small town clothing store and talks trash about Jason to Jessica. One-day guest star. (40)

[CLAUDE] Early 20s. Very attractive, omni-sexual guy (with and without a shirt) A mysterious young man who speaks with a British accent and catches Jessica’s attention and curiosity. Recurring. Must have a British accent. (41)


While it’s great to read that the Pelts will be coming to Bon Temps…which is one of the biggest storylines throughout the series…the last one about Claude, leaves me scratching my head! WTF?

Is this Fairy Claude, as in Claudine’s brother, who we last saw helping Sookie escape the Fairies? Or, is this another character altogether, who just happens to have the same name?

What are your thoughts? Feel free to share ‘em and your speculations below!

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