TV & Video Magazine

Casting Call: Claude’s Role Revised

Posted on the 11 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Casting Call: Claude’s Role RevisedWe’ll make this short and sweet. Most of you probably don’t care, because this doesn’t have anything to do with Eric and Sookie…but whatever. You can read it and voice your own opinion(s).

The other day we posted a casting call (you can read our original post here) but it has since been changed.

WARNING: Those who don’t want to know – please don’t read below!

The part in bold is the part, which has changed.

[CLAUDE] Early 20s. Very attractive, omni-sexual guy (with and without a shirt) A mysterious young man who speaks with a British accent and catches Jessica’s attention and curiosity. Recurring. Must have a British Accent. (41) Possible series regular season 6.


I think this is jumping the gun a little bit. There’s been nothing stated that True Blood has been renewed for Season 6…yet. But that doesn’t mean that it could happen. It just seems odd that it was one thing before, and now it’s changed.


What do you think about this Claude being a new series regular? Feel free to share your thoughts and spec below!

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