Love & Sex Magazine

Caste System

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Caste SystemProhibitionists love wanking to the Neomarxist fantasy that sex workers and managers are separate and wholly distinct feudal classes, just as they imagine industrial labor and management to be.  They pretend sex workers don’t move in and out of management roles (escort service owner, house mother, jack shack manager, etc) over the years as the need arises.  This lets them conveniently slur women like me (who ran a service for six years but has been independent since ’06) as some kind of nobility who are completely out of touch with their peers and friends who made different choices.  It’s a fairy tale, which is appropriate considering their childish beliefs about sexual purity, mustache-twirling “pimps” and bogeyman clients.  Loons like Julie Bindel even salivate over fantasies of an all-powerful “Pimp Lobby” (that I’m supposedly a Big Wheel in), basically the “Elders of Zion” in drag designed by pearl-clutchers, who bizarrely fight to defeat the black market despite the fact that black markets are what make criminal organizations rich.  People who believe this stuff are all bat-shit crazy.

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