Legal Magazine

Carol's Recovery from a Broken Left Shoulder, Caused by a Fainting Spell in Missouri, is Going Well -- and X-rays Show the Healing Process Pretty Much as It Happens

Posted on the 29 January 2019 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler

Carol's recovery from a broken left shoulder, caused by a fainting spell in Missouri, is going well -- and X-rays show the healing process pretty much as it happens

Carol Shuler X-ray No. 1

My wife, Carol, is recovering nicely from the broken left shoulder she sustained from a fainting spell at the Social Security Administration Building in Springfield, MO. In fact, her doctor stated on her most recent visit ( 1/9/19 ) that her range of motion in the joint is good enough that she does not need to continue with formal physical therapy. She will continue with at-home exercises, and her diligence with those probably helps explain her solid recovery.

Carol's recovery from a broken left shoulder, caused by a fainting spell in Missouri, is going well -- and X-rays show the healing process pretty much as it happens

Carol Shuler X-ray No. 2

That's the good news. The not-so-good news is that, having been cheated out of our jobs and health insurance in Alabama, we have limited ability to treat the underlying causes of Carol's fainting spell. Medical personnel from Cox South Medical Center stated that tests from her ER visit and hospital stay after the incident showed no clear medical issue that caused Carol to faint. They attributed it mainly to the financial and emotional stress we've experienced (which likely contributed to Carol's dehydration) since I was thrown in jail "for blogging" and we lost our home of almost 25 years in Alabama, only to move to Missouri and be targeted for an unlawful eviction that ended with deputies breaking Carol's arm just above the elbow -- a comminuted fracture that required roughly eight hours of trauma surgery.
Fortunately, we were covered by Medicaid to repair the thug-cops' handiwork. But the forced move, and one other move due to unhealthy living conditions at our residence, caused paperwork to not reach us in the mail -- and our Medicaid coverage lapsed. Social workers at Burrell Behavioral Health helped us get on Medicaid, but they have been unwilling or unable to help us with much of anything -- especially since we learned they were responsible for the bogus 911 call that caused cops to appear at our home in SWAT gear. Bottom line: We've been without health insurance for about 30 months.

Carol's recovery from a broken left shoulder, caused by a fainting spell in Missouri, is going well -- and X-rays show the healing process pretty much as it happens

Carol Shuler X-ray No. 3

Let's get back to the good news by examining the healing process revealed in recent X-rays of Carol's shoulder. X-ray No. 1 (top), taken the day of the break on 10/23/18, shows hardware in Carol's elbow was not effected by the second injury. You almost have to be a radiologist to see it, but the shoulder area includes a number of fracture lines. The injury was not nearly as obvious or severe as the elbow injury
X-ray No. 2 (left, above), taken on 11/17/18, shows fracture lines in the shoulder that are faint to the untrained eye.
X-ray No. 3 (right), dated 11/28/18, still shows faint fracture lines, but it also shows a white area on the outer shoulder, which is a sign of healing and new-bone development.
X-rays No. 4 and 5 (below), dated 1/9/18. are the most recent we have and show more signs of healing and new-bone development. Carol's doctor said she almost certainly will experience ongoing stiffness in the shoulder, so it never will be "good as new." But we are grateful for a solid recovery.
(NoteLegal Schnauzer needs your help. Loyal readers have sustained this blog for years, and support is urgently needed now that my wife, Carol, is recovering from a fainting spell, which led to a recent broken arm. The healing process has started for Carol, but statements from her doctors indicate this likely was fallout from political thugs cheating both of us out of our jobs [and health insurance] in Birmingham -- and the stress of dealing with financial wreckage that comes from being targeted for right-wing attacks.  If you are able to help along our journalism journey, please click on the yellow donate button in the upper right corner of the blog, under the "Support the Schnauzer" headline. We are deeply grateful for your support through the years.)

Carol's recovery from a broken left shoulder, caused by a fainting spell in Missouri, is going well -- and X-rays show the healing process pretty much as it happens

Carol Shuler X-ray No. 4

Carol's recovery from a broken left shoulder, caused by a fainting spell in Missouri, is going well -- and X-rays show the healing process pretty much as it happens

Carol Shuler X-ray No. 5

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