This is actually a still from a video I shot of JJ luxuriating in his kick-ass new pool (Yup, it’s got a whale’s tail for shade, and you can attach a hose to squirt water through a blowhole). I tried to capture his peak moment of glee, which was difficult since he was in a constant sate of giddiness. He was non-stop for about an hour, climbing in and out of the pool, splashing in it, squealing, and throwing random items from the yard into it. So much fun to watch…
Captionpalooza 2011: photo 7
…The only downside to JJ overdosing on inflatable elation was that he got extremely wound up and didn’t crash until 5pm. And it was not a pretty landing.
Captionpalooza 2011: photo 8
Life can be hard for a little boy in summertime.