Gardening Magazine

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

By Stephanie

I came across some dwarf versions of Cannas online last year and thought it would be interesting to see if these lilies will grow true to the seed. Searched and bought some seeds online. F ortunately they are not expensive :D

They come in a few bright colours, so I chose a salmon one and it turned out great.

The pic below shows the first bloom...

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

The flower will however fade to become more pinkish after a day or two due to the hot afternoon sun here.

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

The plant was indeed true to the seed - shortish in height, smallish in size and the flower colour is indeed salmon.

It didn't require a big pot nor space to develop. Hence, I was only growing it in a small pot and before blooming, it only grew to about 30cm high.

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

Flashback to October last year, 2022, this Canna sprouted within ten days from one of the three seeds sown.

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed
Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

By February this year, it has already sent out its flower buds and they started to open in about a week :D The whole process was just a matter of waiting for the sprouts to mature and bloom without much fertilising. Just needed to repot the little plant one time, easy peasy!

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

The flower can look orangey sometimes...

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

And after all the buds have bloomed, I cut the plant down to about 5cm high.

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

After some time, a few new shoots appeared from the rhizome and now, I am waiting for the shoots to mature and bloom again...

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

Hey, dwarf Canna 'Tropical Salmon' seeds can produce plants that are identical to the parent. Not only that, they are really easy to start. Try sowing some of these kind of seeds in your garden :D

Canna 'Tropical Salmon' Are True To Seed

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