Dogs in Japan can now enjoy Japanese Udon made just for them | photo: Siemenya.com
Is your dog tired of the same kibble diet day after day? Does he/she need a little variety? Well, look no further, Japan has recently introduced the World’s 1st udon noodle for dogs! Udon maker Seimenya in Kagawa Prefecture claims that their line of udon noodles are easy for dogs to digest, low in salt and most of all safe to eat for canines. Each package is 150g (5.3 oz.) at 324 yen (US$2.96) each and has carries a one-year expiration date.

Udon manufacturer Seimenya now produces udon noodles for dogs | Photo: Seimenya.com
The package in Japanese reads “Inu senyou” (犬専用) or “especially for dogs.” While some might argue on the nutritional value of these meals for dogs, the sheer novel idea of noodles for pooches may be more appetizing for us humans.