Hair & Beauty Magazine

Can You Wear Braces If You Have a Dental Implant?

By Allyson3james


Braces can transform anything from complex bite to mild crowding problems and also severely crooked teeth, braces are suitable for all ages. Having braces and dental implant has become very common in dental work. Dentist also commonly perform these two procedures successfully in their clinic itself. Braces and dental implants are two different procedures like:

Dental braces


Dental braces are also known as orthodontic cases or cases. They are devices that are used in orthodontics that straighten teeth, align and also help to position them with regard to a person’s bite. It also works to improve dental health.

Dental implants: 

Can you wear braces if you have a dental implant?

it is made up of titanium post like a tooth root and it is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount the replaced teeth or a bridge into that area. Dentures can come out but implant doesn’t come loose.

 What are dental implants?

Dental implants are made up of a titanium post and it is inserted into the jaw bone, it is done to replace the root of a missing tooth. It is then attached to a crown; a crown look and functions just like a natural tooth. Patients for dental work commonly prefer dental implants over tooth replacement alternatives. Missing teeth because of injury or disease both can be corrected with a dental implant.

One the dental implants are in position they should not move, but in one or two implant in between the natural teeth can be a little risky. Teeth can shift for many reasons and aging is one of the reasons where they can crowd towards the front of the mouth. This can harm a dental implant; braces can be the best option at this time. In some cases braces are advised by the dentist to prevent the implant from movement or push.

Braces after dental implants:

Dental implant is a permanent solution for the teeth problem; an implant cannot be moved once positioned. Natural teeth keep on moving and shifting and with aging there are possibility that the natural teeth many crowd in front of the mouth. Orthodontic treatment is still a possibility even if you have several implants. After dental implant is positioned in the right place then the surrounding teeth can be moved and fixed using a brace or clear aligner system such as Invisalign.

 If the implant is not in the correct position and appear out of place once the other teeth are aligned, it can be replaced at the end of the orthodontic treatment. This can be done by replacing just the crown or the entire implant. Or else, one can leave the implant in its place and settle for a slightly compromised result.

 Braces before dental implants:

It is best to carry out orthodontic treatment first before we can move teeth around the implant. In this way we can be sure that the teeth are perfectly positioned. If in case you have lost your tooth the dentist may fit a temporary false tooth to make sure that at any point gap is not left between the teeth. In some patients orthodontic treatment can be necessary before an implant in order to create enough space for the new tooth and also shifting the roots of the neighbouring tooth in its correct position.

 Bottom Line:

Many patients prefer dental implant as it is the permanent dental work. Dental implant does not come lose like dentures. Dentures are not fixed permanently so it may risk coming out lose but dental implant do not because they are permanently fixed.

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Can you wear braces if you have a dental implant?

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