Business Magazine

Can You Bake Takoyaki? Follow These Handy Tips

Posted on the 15 November 2020 by Sp00kje

These Japanese octopus balls, common as street food or served during summer festivals, taste so unique and incredible that they very quickly became a big hit.

The fluffy balls of dough with tender octopus inside of them have become a common pick in the states too; and so now the question follows, how would you bake these little bundles of joy?

Can you bake takoyaki

Takoyaki is meant to be fried in special made pans and can’t be baked in the oven, because they wouldn’t become round, but frozen takoyaki can be baked just like any other frozen food item in the oven. Spread them out on a sheet, for example, a cookie sheet.

A tip, if you are not one to clean up after you make dinner, then it is suggested to wrap them in foil for less hassle afterward and for a quick and easy clean.

If you haven’t overflown your baking sheet with takoyaki, then you should bake them at about 375 degrees, for 10 to 15 minutes.

If you have perhaps put a few right next to each other, aim for 15-20 minutes of baking. Once you’ve done this, you can add some seasoning to really make it up to standard.

Add the accompanied takoyaki sauce on top, with a taste that’s close to BBQ sauce or steak sauce, some Japanese mayo, and bonito flakes.

You will have the true Japanese summer experience in your mouth and you won’t want to turn back from it.

You can also put these tasty balls into the microwave, if you are in a rush and you don’t really feel like actually cooking anything.

Even though microwaves generally are designed to be the easiest kitchen tool ever, you should be a bit careful how you use it when it comes to takoyaki.

It is important to start off with low heat, and then possibly work your way up if you like them to be boiling hot.

If you put them in and set the microwave on high heat immediately, they will most likely burst, and you will have a much bigger mess to clean up than if you were to use an oven.

If you are looking for an even quicker and easier way to warm them up, it is possible to put them in a toaster.

This doesn’t mean that the texture and the taste will be equally as mesmerizing as if you had put them in the oven or microwave, but it is definitely good to note down that this too is an option.

Also check out one of these delicious takoyaki recipes

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