Business Magazine

Can Miso Cause Bloating? Not Likely & This Special Process is Why

Posted on the 15 November 2020 by Sp00kje

There’s a lot of controversy around miso because it’s a fermented food, but can it cause bloating?

It is not likely that miso is the cause of your bloating. A fermentation process happens to the soybean that involves yeasts and other microorganisms that break down the bean in such a way that it doesn’t cause the same kind of bloating associated with other types of beans and bean pastes.

Can miso cause bloating

Fermented foods like miso are rich in enzymes and are filled with live active cultures of bacterias that make it easy to digest.

Also read: what’s the difference between miso paste and soybean paste?

These better digestive health benefits, similar to yogurt, work by pushing out potentially bad bacteria in the intestines and the stomach that could cause you to get bloated.

Miso can help with restoring and maintaining bloating and bowel health, due to the diversity of live bacteria and it can help a lot with overall bowel and gut health. Just sipping on the soup broth can help to soothe and calm your stomach after a particularly “gassy” food.

Rich in various essential vitamins, like vitamin B, B Complex, B12, E, K, and folic acid, miso has the potential to keep us healthy, happy, and vibrant.

Good gut health has been linked to better overall mental and physical health.

Also read: what can you use as a red miso substitute?

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