Business Magazine

Can I Eat Ramen Noodles Soup While Pregnant?

Posted on the 15 December 2020 by Sp00kje

Is ramen safe for pregnant women to eat?

Yes, you can eat ramen while pregnant! In moderation, it is completely safe to eat. The biggest concern would be how much you eat since ramen can be high in salt, preservatives, and fats, which aren’t the healthiest thing for your baby. In moderation, ramen is a safe choice to have while pregnant.

Be sure to listen to your doctor and do what feels right for your body and your baby.

Is it safe to eat ramen while pregnant

The benefits of eating ramen while pregnant

Ramen can be a good source of protein, mineral iron, fiver, and carbs. Maintaining healthy levels of iron can prevent anemia and promote good oxygen blood flow in your body. The fiber in ramen can help aid your digestion and regulate your cholesterol. The carbohydrates in ramen provide you with some of the much-needed energy during your pregnancy.

The concerns of eating ramen while pregnant

While ramen can be a tasty meal to satisfy your cravings you still have to watch out for the side effects that come with overconsumption and eating ramen in excess. The main worries of eating too much ramen are high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The high fat and sodium content in ramen can increase the risk of heart disease during your pregnancy.

If you are only eating ramen in moderation then you should have nothing to worry about. Consuming any one food in excess can be concerning but a balanced diet can include a bowl of ramen from time to time.

Also read: should I eat sushi while pregnant?

What is the best ramen for pregnant women to eat?

If you do choose to have ramen while pregnant then it would be best to choose ramen with extra protein and vegetables to provide a well-rounded meal. It is best to avoid instant ramen because of its lack of nutrition and high sodium levels.

If you are making instant ramen you can make it healthier by making your own broth instead of using the included flavor packet, and adding vegetables, meat, tofu, or an egg to the ramen for more nutrition.

Ramen allergies to watch out for

If you have any allergies to fish I would avoid ramen because some ramen broth is made from fish or fish flakes. If you have a fish or seafood allergy be sure to research your ramen beforehand to be sure it is safe for you to eat. Certain ramen broth is made from tuna, anchovies, sardines, and more.

There is also ramen broth made from seaweed or kelp that may be a safer choice depending on your allergy. Besides the broth, you should also watch out for what is going into your ramen and double-check for possible food allergies.

Ramen additions to avoid while pregnant

Ramen can come with different additions and toppings but be sure yours are safe to eat while pregnant.

It is important to make sure all of your additions to your ramen are fully cooked. It is unsafe to consume raw meat, fish, or eggs. Order your meat and eggs well done or if you are cooking them your self make sure you are cooking your ingredients thoroughly.

Vegetables are a great addition to ramen but make sure your veggies are washed thoroughly before consuming them. Unwashed produce can have traces of bacteria, parasites, pesticides, and more.

Pregnant women should avoid fish with high levels of mercury. Some high mercury level fish to avoid are shark, swordfish, tuna, orange roughy, marlin, and tilefish. Some fish that are low in mercury are healthy to consume while pregnant in moderation. Some good fish to consume while pregnant are anchovies, cod, haddock, flounder,  salmon, tilapia, and freshwater trout.

Also read: these are some of the most delicious toppings to order on your ramen

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