Entertainment Magazine

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of All We'd Like...

Posted on the 06 October 2013 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984

               Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5

First of all we'd like to apologize for the lateness of this post, we were really busy with a gig yesterday.

So far we've covered the recording process and some of the shows we played on tour. We haven't, however, covered anything to do with our launch show in Glasgow's Bar Bloc. I'd firstly like to thank everybody that made it possible, from the people in Bloc down to everybody that came down and made the night a great success. We all agreed it was one of the best nights of the tour! We'd also like to thank Carnivores who stepped in last minute and helped us out with support, they were incredible as usual and got everybody pumped up for the night. After the gig had finished we got the absolutely beautiful Glasgow Milk girls to play some tunes for everybody that hung around till the end of the night. We eventually fell in our door at half 5 in the morning knowing that it was a pretty special night. 

Anyway, here are some photos from that night taken by the wonderful Neil Jarvie. I'm sure you'll agree they are rather smashing! 

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...
Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...
Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Campfires In Winter Takeover Day 5 First of all we'd like...

Hope you enjoyed them.  Campfires In Winter xxx

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