Philosophy Magazine

Caltech: Postdoc in Philosophy of Science

By Wuthrich

The Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a two-year Postdoctoral Instructorship in philosophy of science, broadly construed. The successful candidate will be expected to begin the appointment prior to the start of Caltech’s fall term on September 25, 2017, and to teach three (ten-week) undergraduate courses during each of the two years. The appointment is contingent upon completion of the Ph.D.

Interested candidates should apply electronically. Candidates unable to apply electronically may submit a cover letter, three letters of recommendation, a CV, research statement and a writing sample to: Frederick Eberhardt, Chair, HPS Postdoc Search, HSS 101-40, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.

Deadline for applications is June 1, 2017.

If there are any questions during the search process, please contact us at

To apply, go to


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