Have you heard the idea that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? You'll average out in income, success and even your overall mood.
It's the mood thing I'm most concerned about. I'm thinking I'm in serious trouble. There are five of us in my family. I spend 90% of my time with a temperamental toddler and two little girls with mood swings as strong as hurricanes. It's either all roses and butterflies or the whole world is stupid and everything in life is horrible and I must not love them. I thought that kind of behavior was reserved for tweens and teens.
It's a constant see-saw of emotion. Add to it a whirlwind of mess and a never-ending to do list that's got me feeling harried.
So, I'm putting in my request to the Universe: Please send me Mary Poppins. Or Super Nanny. They're basically the same thing anyway.
Mom readers (especially those of you with two or more children), how do you maintain a positive outlook and mood with the blazing emotions of your children? I'm on a bit of a quest to find out (that is, I'm writing a book), so I truly appreciate your feedback on this one. If you'd rather comment in private, I welcome your email at adgmommy (at) gmail (dot) com. Give me permission, or not, to one day use your comments in print.