You guys rock! I love sharing design ideas with you, but REALLY love when you guys share what you do with them. Lisa from Texas just sent me this amazing chair she re-did, and I am both jealous and in awe. This inspired me to want to start a "Reader's Score" series. I know plenty of you have them, great finds you have transformed, diamonds in the rough... well I want to see them! Please email me pictures (before & afters) and a description of where you found, what you did and any other crazy info about the score. I really want to do this series, but I NEED you!
Now check Lisa's chair. She says "I do not have any before pics but it was beige with a horrible burgundy cushion. In terrible shape. I found it on eBay for $55. Used two cans of red-orange Montana Gold spray paint and recovered the cushion in Canton Bazaar from Calico Corners. Fabric was on sale for $20 a yard."