Philosophy Magazine

Call for Applications: Rome Summer School

By Wuthrich

We invite applications to participate in the Summer School in Rome, Italy:

Time after Time: Science, Art & Philosophy.

The school is organized by the University of Italian Switzerland (Lugano), the University of Geneva, the University of Rome3, eidos the Centre for Metaphysics (Geneva and Lugano), and the Centre for Philosophy of Time (Milan), in collaboration with the Swiss Institute in Rome.

The summer school looks at time from the perspectives of science, art and philosophy. It considers the physics and biology of time, time in literary and visual arts, the philosophy and aesthetics of time. It has three related themes: time travel, things in time, and the relation between time and action. Each of these areas has been the focus of substantive investigation in science (we will focus on physics and biology), the arts (we will focus on literature, cinema, and visual arts—as a matter of fact the school will have its own Artist in Residence) and philosophy.

The school will be held over a period of 6 days, 2nd September- 7th September included at The Swiss Institute in Rome, at the beautiful Villa Maraini:

There will be three 1-hour lectures per day, starting at 3 pm on the 2nd and finishing at 6 pm on the 7th. Each lecture is followed by 30 minutes of discussion.

Applications are invited from Master and PhD students in science, the arts (literature, cinema, visual arts, music) and philosophy. Students from the following institutions are encouraged to apply: Departments of Physics, Psychology, Cognitive Science/Neuroscience, Philosophy, Literature and Cultural Studies; Art Schools (Swiss Art Schools, Accademia delle Belle Arti and the like)
Preference will be given to students with strong interdisciplinary interests.

To apply send a CV, and a one-page Motivation Letter to:
no later than May 30th, 2019. Notification of acceptance is expected before June 30th.

The number of students will be limited to 20. Selected students will have the possibility to stay at the villa at no cost, in shared rooms. Lunches and coffee breaks will be covered as well. Dinners and transport are not covered. We will be happy to write formal letters of invitation to successful candidates to help secure funds.

Confirmed Speakers & Artists include:
Dorine Aguerre (Geneva, Visual Artist —Artist in Residence)
Daniela Angelucci (Rome 3, Philosophy of Cinema, Visual Arts)
Andrea Borghini (Milan, Philosophy, Biology)
Claudio Calosi (Geneva, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Physics, Literature)
Elena Casetta (Turin, Philosophy, Biology)
Fabrice Correia (Geneva, Metaphysics, Logic)
Mauro Dorato (Rome, Philosophy of Action, Physics)
Matteo Morganti (Rome, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Physics)
Enrico Terrone (Barcelona, Philosophy of Cinema)
Stefano Tiozzo (Nice, Biology)
Giuliano Torrengo (Milan, Metaphysics)
Valentina Valentini (Rome, Visual Arts, Theatre)
Christian Wuthrich (Geneva, Physics, Philosophy of Physics)


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