Inspired by his eight-year-old niece’s black eye inflicted by bullies, Caleb Hawley wrote “Little Miss Sunshine”, a feel-good pop ode to being who you are no matter what. “You’ve just gotta use just what you’ve got. Never try to be somebody you’re not,” Hawley croons, his smoky, soul-saturated voice slip-sliding smoothly along and preaching his non-conformist gospel. “Little Miss Sunshine” urges us to break out our best James Brown and embrace our inner Olive Hoover – according to Hawley, “You don’t have to be a bomb-shell beauty queen, blonde Barbie girl…” Word, Hawley.
Caleb Hawley is a Harlem-based multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter who has produced his last three albums all on his own. “Little Miss Sunshine” is from his fourth and upcoming self-titled record to be released soon, but go ahead and download it for free above!