Destinations Magazine

Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

By Alternativeeden @markngaz
No not this one, she's really really lovely! And she's not nosey at all but rather very friendly!
Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

I meant this one, the 'nosey neighbour' as we said bye bye to him last weekend when we finally laid the last two layers of blocks to the pond to achieve a final depth of six foot and six inches.

Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

'Nosey Neighbour'

Thank goodness for the mild and sunny spell we're currently having as we were finally able to do nearly all of the blocking to the pond and have finally reached the very top layer. All that is left to do, block wise is to finish off the sides of the pond window once the window frame has been installed.

Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

Fitting the Surface Skimmer

Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

Me for scale...

Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

Now that we have completed this bit we'll take a very short break from this area and concentrate on spring tidying the rest of the garden. And when once that's done we can start the next phase, the pergola
Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

Bye Bye Nosey Neighbour!

From concrete to wood!

Mark :-)

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