When I was in the midst of buying domains with the ultimate keywords that a “guru” said I should have I came across what I thought was the perfect one.
This was like two domain name changes ago. (Yes, I know, don’t remind me.)
Here’s the thing. I thought to myself “Oh Yeah! I got myself the domain of all domain names right here and God wants to sell it to me. Sweet!”
So I buy it and then I listened to a “guru” and decided to just forward it instead to my domain that had my name in it. After all said “guru” said I was my brand.
What did I learn from buying a domain from God?
- Don’t change my domain name 84 times because I don’t get any awesome keyword loving from it.
- Still not a bad idea to buy it because my so-called competitors can’t get it. *insert Dr. Evil laugh* and forward the minimal amount of traffic to my domain.
- Buying a domain with a .net ending isn’t ideal. If your domain + .com isn’t available because a website is up in it’s place, brainstorm some creative ideas for an even better domain name. If the domain is simply held by another owner, websites like GoDaddy.com have a service which contacts the owner for a potential sale or transfer.