If you are searching for comparing prices of Rinnai RL94iP Propane Tankless Water Heater, 9.4 Gallons Per Minute, here is the place that get you to the lowest price and share you some interesting feature and product overview before making a decision to buy Rinnai RL94iP Propane Tankless Water Heater, 9.4 Gallons Per Minute.
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From the ManufacturerFor indoor installation only.The Rl94i lets you enjoy continuous hot water for up to five plumbing and appliance outlets simultaneously and always at a consistent, pre-set temperature. With a capacity of up to 9.4 gallons of hot water per minute (GPM), the Rl94i still delivers up to 40% energy savings and significant space savings. This compact, interior-mount unit vents directly to the outside with a concentric venting system. 199,000 max BTU. Product Description
- 10,300 ? 199,000 BTU
- Comes standard with MC-91-1US Digital Controller with Error Code Indicator
- 83% Thermal Efficiency
- Residential Temperature Settings: 98°F – 140°F
- Commercial Temperature Settings: 98°F – 185°F (commercial controller must be purchased separately)
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Reference: Rinnai RL94iP Propane Tankless Water Heater, 9.4 Gallons Per Minute
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