You may have noticed (well, it’s bleedin’ obvious) that I’m toying with ads on Perking the Pansies in the hope it might toss a few coppers into the family coffers. I’ve enrolled in the WordPress WordAds scheme (not to be confused with Google’s Adwords). I confess I’m a bit ambivalent about the whole enterprise. Having been dragged up on the BBC, excessive advertising on websites tends to put me off. Clearly, WordPress haven’t yet worked out the finer technical detail. The size and placement of the ads (over which I have no control) has buggered up my pansy banner which no longer stretches across the top of the page. Being an anal kind of boy (no sniggering at the back), this upsets my Libran equilibrium. It’s early days and I’ll let it run for a while. Rest assured, I’ll be calling the whole thing off if there’s the slightest hint of nipple clamps, busty babes from Bridlington or hairy marys from Margate. Mine’s a family show.
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