Destiny developer Bungie has said that it currently has no plans to add matchmaking to the Raid activity in the game.
Game Informer spoke to Bungie as part of the magazine’s cover story for the upcoming The Dark Below expansion, and the developer got to talk a little bit about why you won’t see Raid matchmaking any time soon.
“We’re certainly noticing that there is voracity in the fanbase for content that makes them think-content that challenges them in some different ways,” lead designer Luke Smith said.
“I think rather than say ‘Yeah, we’re going to make matchmaking for raids,’ the way I’m thinking about this problem is how we’re going to create that kind of content and create those kinds of emotions in matchmade activities. I think that’s the challenge. It’s not how do we change the raid-design philosophy to allow for matchmaking.”
Perhaps not realising the irony in Bungie’s stance, Smith goes on to praise community sites designed to group together those interested in playing the Raid outside the game, which in essence, is a primitive form of matchmaking.
“I think looking at the LFG [looking for game] – style mechanics is something we absolutely want to do.
“We would love to get to a place someday where you can advertise your intent to people. Where you can say ‘I want to do this. Are you looking to do this with me?’ But we have absolutely no plans to do raid matchmaking at this time.”