Life Coach Magazine

Building Digital Agency [Notes from Ryan Stewart Video]

By Bonirulzz @bonirulzz

Building Digital Agency [Notes from Ryan Stewart Video]

Building a Digital Agency? Watch This – Ryan Stewart Keynote

  1. If you want to work with Big Clients – show them the case studies. Case Studies will bring a hell lot of referrals
  2. You can get Big Clients via Networking Events, Case Studies & Referrals.
  3. You need to have Big Results to get Big Clients.
  4. Document your work and promote the hell out of it.
  5. Big Digital Agencies are not doing the legwork (outreaching, meta-creation, etc.) and hence there is a HUGE opportunity for Small SEO Agencies to handle their work
  6. Big Digital Agencies invest huge time in Presentations and Technical SEO.
  7. If you want Big Clients – You need to give away Free Technical Audit and High-Quality Proposals.
  8. One of the best ways to grow your Digital Agency is by going DEEP in your offerings instead of going WIDE.
  9. Typical Enterprise Clients works with 2 – 10 Digital Agencies. [Each agency focuses on one activity]
  10. Big Digital Agencies have propriety tools that give them an EDGE over other Agencies. Such tools offer an extra value addition client which no other agency can offer.
  11. Everybody offers SEO but if someone offers SEO + a top-notch tool – Client will always choose the latter. Reason – it makes them look good & psychologically they are getting MORE.
  12. Scaling SEO is hard & hence create internal processes.

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