Debate Magazine

Building Blueprint Illusion.. Kule!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

OK , How’s this one?  Mind you none of the descriptions are mine.  ~Steve~


Blueprint Mural in Portland
By Vurdlak on March 19, 2013,

blueprint image1


Browsing Moillusions history articles for a while made me realize we haven’t had that many #murals lately. Not being lazy, I started crawling my repository for something cool that could fill the gap, when this magnificent building appeared right in front of me – the photo depicts a mural of a blueprint, painted on a side of a building that used to be a furnishing store. I really liked it. If you look closely, you’ll notice how the second window from the right (2nd floor) is partially obstructed to maintain the illusion. Not sure if this still exists, but I bet our viewers from Portland can share some insight about the building today. It stands somewhere at the corner of Free and Center Streets, if I did my research right.

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