Family Magazine

Budget Fashion Tips for Your Baby

By Peppertan

When Suri Cruise was born some years ago, a thousand angels in heaven sang praise and nearly twisted their halos in sheer delight.  Harps were singing merrily as this little bundle of cuteness and joy made her entrance into this world.  But it wasn’t just winged cherubs who were happy then.  Fashion designers from all over the world were equally ecstatic at the prospect of a newborn slave to fashion.  One look at Suri, and they knew she was going to be the epitome of baby fashion.  She was style personified- in diapers!

But for those of us who aren’t as filthy rich as Suri’s parents, we can still make our little girl look paparazzi-worthy without breaking the bank.  Here are a few tips on how to prettify your little girl when you’re on a budget.

Say no to one-piece.  You know those one piece footed outfits with zippers?  Steer clear of them.  Babies grow at an alarming rate, so you won’t be able to wear these for long.  You’re better off getting a two piece ensemble and then pairing it off with socks.

Accessorize accordingly.  Never underestimate the power of cute accessories.  Girly hats, or one of those adorable boutique baby headbands will step up your baby’s style a notch.  You’d be surprised at how a tiny bow here or there can instantly spruce up your little girl’s look.

Go classic.  Choose pieces with colors which aren’t difficult to mix and match.  Orange seems to work like a charm.  Patterned styles may give you a harder time when it comes to pairing them off with your existing stuff.

Second hand is handy.  For jackets or other pieces which your baby may not get to wear that frequently, you can always opt to find pre-loved items.  You’ll find these at consignment stores or even from other mom-friends.

No matter what age or income bracket, we all deserve to look our fashionable best.  It’s a birthright.  All it takes is a little creativity in turning your baby into a diapered diva.

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