200g Digestive Biscuits
100g Melted butter
200g Dark chocolate
175g Butter
350g Caster Sugar
130g Plain Flour
3 Eggs
100g Milk Chocolate
Mini Smarties

Place the digestives into a food processor.

Blitz until formed into biscuit crumbs

Add melted butter and mix.

Press the biscuit mixture into a lined oven proof dish and put aside to cool.

In a microwave safe add chocolate and butter.

Melt the butter and chocolate

Add the sugar and stir

Add the flour and stir

Add 3 eggs into the batter

Stir the batter until most of the lumps are gone and has a sheen to the batter.

Pour over the biscuit base and smooth out.

Bake in the oven for 30-35 mins at 170c, until the sides crack and the middle is slightly wobbly.

Melt the milk chocolate and pour over the top of the brownie.

Sprinkle some decorations over the top, I used mini smarties.

Allow to set over night and cover with foil.

Remove from the dish

Using a sharp knife slice the bar into small pieces.

Store in a air tight container.

Great lunch box treats


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