Brothers, is the upcoming film of hero Suriya which is directed by KV Anand of Rangam fame. The Tamil version of the film titled Maattrran releases worldwide on October 12. The dilemma here is related to the release of the Telugu version of the film Brothers because in Telugu for the same date another big budget film Damarukam is slated to release. Not only that a day before that on October 11 Pawan Kalyan’s Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu too is slated to release.
So what is the problem with releasing one may ask? The problem here is that the film has been acquired by Bellamkonda Suresh for distribution for an astronomical price. And it can only be recovered if the film has a solo release. So Bellamkonda Suresh is currently in dilemma as to release the film simultaneously with the Tamil version or wait for another week to have a solo release in Telugu. Well whatever is his choice we would be the first to let you know.
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