Gardening Magazine


By Stephanie
Oh lovely, lovely! I saw how wonderful the coleus leaves were from the back, hence I snapped the pic below. Then I realised, my plants come in different textures and colours. The cream (almost yellow) edges of Mother-In-Law's Tongue or variegated Snake Plant seems glowing and stick out like a sore thumb, hehe...  Brilliant! But the most outstanding one is the Peruvian Lily (Eucrosia bicolour). Two of the bulbs flowered! How long I waited for this to happen? I have no idea already!! Brilliant! Anyway, I am so glad to see the pot of Peruvian Lily finally flowering. I am enchanted by the two stalks of delicate-looking flowers though they are not large ;-D  Brilliant! Here you go, another pic of Peruvian Lily to feast the eyes ;-D  Brilliant!
And this plant -- my 'Jurassic' plant. That was how my friend once asked me. Oh what's that plant... is it from that dinosaur park? "Well it is a Cryptanthus!" I said.  Brilliant! Its tiny white blooms emerged from the center of the rosette of leaves, one after another. Can you see them? Brilliant! These bunch of blooms from my Medinilla sp. are smaller than the blooms when I first purchased it. What is going on? Brilliant! And what is happening to my fairy garden? The Fittonias are flowering! Brilliant! See the yellow tiny flowers? Brilliant! The sweetest is the rose from my Rosa 'Othello'. The pretty rose lasted for about five days! Best part is this one flourished from a short stalk. As you can see... hehe... and I could smell the sweet fragrance :-D Brilliant! The sun is sometimes really strong nowadays. Some of my plants in the porch got scorched. I had to prune those burnt foliage and hope the plant will send out new leaves soon.  Brilliant! Hope your garden is doing well and happy gardening!

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