Fashion Magazine

Bright And Glittery Thursday

By Reservedforruby @reservedforruby
The sun is shining again on another glorious March day. Sunny days call for ice-cream, trips to the beach (on the weekend), bright clothes and of course illuminated nails..with that added glitter to make your day that little bit special. You will know from my previous posts I am a huge advocate of Catrice nail polish. The product is extremely well priced and it is so easy to apply. I just love the range and I probably have close to 15 bottles of it!
Catrice is a front runner in terms of nails varnish for me in every way. However, I did want to mix it up a little and add a little more sparkle to my nails. At the weekend, I, of course, had a little visit to the shops to browse and see if my wardrobe was missing any essential, or non-essential items! Whilst browsing through the colorful rails in River Island I came across NYX nail polish. I had read a little bit about NYX before, but mainly their eyeshadows. I knew I had to give this a try and it was only €6.00 (£5.00).
The color I am wearing today is a deep coral, from Catrice and I have mixed it with NYX pink glitter. The best thing about it, when you add the NYX polish over the top it completely hardens within less than a minute and won't chip. The two mixed together mean it doesn't chip, so I even think I have found the solution to "chip free" nails from home! Ok, maybe I haven't found the solution and another genius has but this comes pretty close. Does anyone else have any favorite nail advice they would like to add?

Bright And Glittery Thursday
Bright And Glittery ThursdayBright And Glittery ThursdayBright And Glittery Thursday

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