My weekend was filled with a bridal shower, puppy cuddles, sweet quality time with Adam, and frozen yogurt. I'll take it! Allow me to walk you through it via tons of pictures.
One of my really good friends, Kellie, is getting married in November (um can we talk about how CLOSE November is?!), and I'm a bridesmaid in the wedding. This Saturday we had her bridal shower.
I posted this picture on Instagram and a few people thought I was engaged...HA, negative, people. I just won the "ring game." Everyone started with 1 ring. Throughout the shower, if you were caught saying the words "wedding" or "Charles" (her fiancé's name) then you got your ring(s) stolen.
Don't y'all worry...I will be very sure to make it very clear when I get engaged!
Here is a picture of the seating area for the shower. Isn't it gorgeous?! The theme was "Vintage Florida." Suits Kellie perfectly.
Here is a picture of some of the girls in the wedding. Normally I don't enjoy being around so many girls at once, but these girls are easy to get along with, and I actually had a good time.
And because normal pictures are boring...
Mine & Adam's schedules haven't been lining up the last week, so we didn't get to spend much quality time together until Sunday. We were both really excited to just hang out together. We went to breakfast (well brunch, because he slept in) at our favorite spot, then drove around just looking at houses for awhile, then got frozen yogurt, then got Chipotle for dinner. Lots of eating...we're fat kids at heart. Just look at our froyo:
It was awesome to spend the whole day together and not have an agenda. We were gonna go to the beach, but the weather decided that it didn't want to cooperate, so we improvised.
And because I can't leave y'all hanging without an adorable puppy picture, here you go...
What did you do this weekend?
I'm linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans!
And if you follow me Instagram, most of these pictures are no surprise to you...