I got to attend a sweet bridal shower this weekend!
It was for the gorgeous daughterof one of my good friends!We met when our children were inWaldorf Playgroup!
I adore her daughtersso I knew I wanted something really special to wear to the shower!

My off the shoulder dress checked boxesfor the Bridal Tea Themeand I brought it all the way homeby adding my collection of vintage flowers to the neckline and sleeves.

Instead of jewelry for the lookI hand sewed beautiful flowers onfor an encrusted neckline!
These flowers were given to me by Jeff's late grandmother.She had worked at Saks Fifth Avenuein the millenary department.Years ago she sent me the most magnificent boxfilled with these antique beauties!I think it's one of my favorite gifts ever!
When my daughter Ellis was littleI used the flowers. on hatbands for her.I recently found them againand gently recaptured themfor this look.
I couldn't be happier how the dress turned out!

I always like to decide not only what I'm wearing to an event from the invitebut also how I'm going to design the wrapping for my gift!
This beautiful invite was just the inspirationI was looking for!

I ordered this sweet floral paper from Amazonand finished it off with yards and yards of tulle ribbon and topped it all with some silk flowers from the craft store!

And voilaBridal Tea PartyInspired!

And how is this for a stunning event location!This is the home of school friends of the family!
I have never seen a more luxurious private pool in my life!

A pool complete with not only a boatbut a dock as well!

The amazing couple!Evanya and Robbie!

My friend Rachel on the leftwith her gorgeous Bride to be Evanyain the middle.

I will be tucking the memory of this beautiful Bridal Showerinto my heart!
It's really an amazing part of lifeto be able to witnessseeing children you have known since they we tinygrow into amazing adultsand find the love of their life!I'm so excited for the wedding!

As always my friends
I wish you Love and joyas you style your life