With that said, the lovelies over at MasqueBAR sent me a few different types to try out, so for research purposes, I HAD to take the time to try them out haha! Woe is me!
I was lucky enough to be sent a few different boxes to try out, including:
- Pore Refining Masks
- Charcoal Masks
- Anti Blemish Masks
- Hydro Gel Eye Masks
I was having a particularly stressful day and had decided that I would indulge in a face mask and a hydro gel eye mask that evening. I opted to try out the Charcoal mask (you may have seen this on my insta stories).
First of all, there are four masks in each pack, all of which are individually wrapped. The charcoal masks are sheet masks (definitely my favorite type of mask!) and are shaped to actually 'fit' your face.
In terms of fit, MasqueBAR's sheet masks are definitely more suited to the average face shape. Some other brands *cough* Garnier *cough*, have oversized masks which end up sliding down your face. These ones are a standard size and have little 'slits' which contour to your face shape.
The fact that this is charcoal and is black, made me think that the 'serum' would be black too but it's clear which I was quite happy about (less mess!). I waited 15 minutes then removed it and rubbed in the excess serum. To be fair, there wasn't a lot of wasted serum. Some other masks are dripping with serum but this is adequately covered.
My skin felt nourished, rid of any grime and because it was cooling, I even noticed my redness had reduced. Next up, I tried out the Hydro Gel Eye Masks.
I usually find the 'silicone' style eye masks slide down my face within seconds but these were completely different. These gripped the skin and stayed put throughout the 15 minute waiting time. I had spent the day crying (hormones!), in pain and stressed so my eyes were puffy, dark and stingy. The instant I applied these, I felt a cooling sensation and could practically feel the stress leaving my eyes. I LOVE these. Definitely something I will be using during a long flight!
Just when I thought I loved the brand enough, I had a hormonal breakout on my chin. I rarely get spots or blemishes so they were stressing me out a lot. I remembered I had the Anti Blemish masks and figured I'd give it a whirl. This is a mud mask which I figured would be a bit messy (gets stuck in my false nails!) I decided to lie back and read my kindle for a while and before I knew it 20 minutes had passed. I rinsed off the mask with warm water and pat my skin dried.
I don't know what it was, but the 'heat' was gone from my blemishes after using this. They felt almost 'dry' which was amazing! this is now what I recommend everyone uses when they're hormonal. It really helped to rebalance whatever imbalance was going on with my skin and I'm saving my other masks for the next time I'm having a hormonal breakout (or eh.. breakdown! haha!)
MasqueBAR is easily my brand of the week! I've got a whole new appreciation for taking the time to do a facemask on a regular basis and will be taking some time out to do them more often - both for my skin and my sanity! haha!
Have you tried MasqueBAR?
H x